Corky2P on wed 5 nov 97
Please help me find a free or cheap slab roller for teaching low income
children the art of handbuilding with clay.
Gaydos, Frank on thu 6 nov 97
Corky2P wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Please help me find a free or cheap slab roller for teaching low income
> children the art of handbuilding with clay.
> Thankyou,
The cheapest slabroller is two equally thick sticks like dowel rods or
one by threes and a wooden rolling pin. Place the rods parallel to each
other on either a canvas or newspaper, put some clay between them and
roll the pin over the rods, like a train going down the tracks. Vary the
thickness of the slab by using thicker or thinner rods. The clay can be
pre-thinned by slapping it along the floor like a plane coming in for a
smooth landing, alternate sides front to back for equal stretching. Best
to do on a dusty floor. It's cheap plus you get a great workout.:>)
Christine Pereira on fri 7 nov 97
-----Original Message-----
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Please help me find a free or cheap slab roller for teaching low income
> children the art of handbuilding with clay.
This month's CM had the following ad:
"Build a Sturdy, fully adjustable 18" slab roller for under $150? Yes, you
can. If you trade claywork for welding, as I did, cost can be under $100.
Plans, explanations, where to get parts, etc., $12.95. Bonnie Fleck, 7018
Lynnwood Dr., Tampa, FL, 33637."
I have ordered the plans, but have not yet received them so don't have any
feedback about how easy, etc. Am hopeful though!
Chris Pereira
Native American Rights Fund
Ann Burdette Baker on sun 30 jul 00
I'm looking for a used slabroller for sale or any specials out there on =
new ones, prefer North Star or any that don't use shims. Please =
contact me at
Thanks, Ann
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