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videos, clay preparation, wedging, and egos

updated sat 10 nov 07


Jim Willett on wed 7 nov 07

Dear Tim, Marek, and anyone else involved or lurking in the DVD
kerfluffle. We had a look at Tim's video page and lo and behold discovered
the only wedging video that showed up on YouTube was a little clip from
our 90 minute video. Gee...we get into trouble even when we are trying to
play nice! The segment is a quick introduction, nothing more. We shot it
in a production studio, not a pottery studio, and the table was
improvised. Cindy had to stand on a box to approximate the real height and
did not even attempt to teach wedging.It was just a short intro to show
where the balls of clay for the rest of the video came from. We could have
gone down to the river and dug up some clay and done a three hour video on
clay preparation but that was not the intent of the video and I don't
think anyone would want to see it anyway. We're really sorry Tim that you
got blamed for our video. Your YouTube segments are good, well lit, well
miked, and show how you do and teach things. A nice thing about them is
that they are on YouTube so they are easily viewed. Marek, your streaming
videos are so painfully slow that Windows Media player continues to shut
them down.We do have high speed but not fast enough to stream what you are
pushing our way. While on the subject of hurting one self...the constant
slapping and pounding of clay on the wheel is also hard on the body.
Carlton Ball once told Cindy in a class in Banff that was a practice to
avoid as your hands would eventually go numb. (In mining we called
it "White Hand")Everyone needs to not take life so personally. There are
as many ways to do things as there are potters under the sun. Take the
good things, discard the bad, and throw the mud on the wheel, not at each
Jim Willett
Out of the Fire Studio
DVD "A Down to Earth Look at How We Make Pottery" Twenty bucks on our

Tim See on wed 7 nov 07

This has been interesting. Youtube has a language and set of unwritten rules=
that I figured people
would know or figure out rather quickly. An example is the "response". On=
Youtube you can
respond directly to the offending video, you can even post a video showing t=
he right way if you want.
What you don=92t often find is a email not addressing a particular movie but=
warning others of
something so vague that perhaps every person with a throwing video could ask=
"is this about me?"
I am defensive because of a past incident in another group. I was called a s=
lut for "putting out" free
videos and that they had nothing to offer and only idiots would watch them" =
This person had videos
he sells and was angry I could be cutting into how much he sells. I had thou=
ght the clay prep
response was at me that I made you wince and then you plugged a future DVD s=
ale, it was a little
Now Jim here has gotten pulled in thinking its his video that is so horrible=
. I say in the future ya got
beef with a video post the response right on the vid it will benefit everyon=
e that watches it and there
will be far less collateral damage. Tim See

Marek & Pauline Drzazga-Donaldson on wed 7 nov 07

Dear Tim See,

YouTube is a great service - not one that I use that often for reasons =
given, just my opinion. You also are giving a great service, and please =
do keep it up.

More physical damage is done by doing things wrong. Clay too stiff - =
nackered wrists or more. Working at the wrong height, clay prep done =
using the wrong height, method, stiffly etc. will result in damage to =
the arms, neck,back etc. etc. Just think that RSI (repetative strain =
injury) was first uncovered at the typing pool - no heavy weights or =
large masses of clay used here - just massive problems in later life. I =
think we have, as teachers, got a duty to get it right, whether to a =
class directly or on video. Sorry, but I call it as I see it. I did not =
call you out Tim, just the vid on clay prep, and if the reason for the =
video being made wrongly or badly, then don't do it at all, or do it =
later, as passing on duff information is not good. We all have different =
methods of throwing, and long may it be so, but the basics of clay prep =
are really written in stone, as far as I am concerned, for the various =
methods that we all use. I use clayart to post and to learn.

I have finally found the cause of a very painfull "trigger finger" of =
the index finger of the left hand. I thought it was from either drawing =
up clay on the wheel, or pulling a former across the clay to form a =
particular shape, but what caused it was a 300 mile drive to a funeral =
(quite a lot of inner tension), and me gripping the wheel too tightly. I =
have found the correct excercises and now can pull my left sock up and =
tie my laces without arthritic pain. So not everything is at it seems.

Tim, keep putting up the videos, I will continue to send out mine for =
those without Broadband

happy and safe potting from Marek

Hand made Architectural Ceramics from No9 Studio UK
Fully Residential Pottery Courses and more at Mole Cottage =
"Tips and Time Travel from a Vernacular Potter" reviews on =
an irreverent point of view after 35 years in the game Marek =
Drzazga-Donaldson =20
Assemble a dragon finial at
Free Works and Mole Cottage DVD's and Video content on all the sites
Drzazga Video Promotions at Submit address for DVD

Tim See on wed 7 nov 07

you need to understand that when you post a response to a text like this or about a video what
you say relates to the previous text. example

bowl pics
hi guys here are some bowl pics sarah

re: bowl pics
wow i have never seen such a sorry excuse for a
pottery let alone a bowl. Tim

re:bowl pics
oh thanks mr god of pottery get a life Sarah

re:bowl pics
oh no i wasnt talking about your bowl i was talking about Kevin purplefart
why on earth would you have thought i was
talking about your bowl? Tim

Do you see how that can be misunderstood. I dont like hurt students either. what would be nice if
you gave us a link to the bad video/videos you are talking about and maybe have an intervention
with the person that posted them. maybe draw an quarter them. or post a response on there video
warning and giving an alternative. Tim See

Marek & Pauline Drzazga-Donaldson on thu 8 nov 07


good point, will see if I can track it down. As I have said before keep =
making those videos.

happy Potting Marek

Hand made Architectural Ceramics from No9 Studio UK
Fully Residential Pottery Courses and more at Mole Cottage =
"Tips and Time Travel from a Vernacular Potter" reviews on =
an irreverent point of view after 35 years in the game Marek =
Drzazga-Donaldson =20
Assemble a dragon finial at
Free Works and Mole Cottage DVD's and Video content on all the sites
Drzazga Video Promotions at Submit address for DVD

William & Susan Schran User on thu 8 nov 07

On 11/7/07 9:24 AM, "Tim See" wrote:

> I am defensive because of a past incident in another group. I was called a
> slut for "putting out" free
> videos and that they had nothing to offer and only idiots would watch them"
> This person had videos
> he sells and was angry I could be cutting into how much he sells.


I for one would like to thank you for taking the time to post your videos to

Whenever I'm teaching a beginning wheel throwing class I always tell my
students that there is more than one way to position their body/hands and
that they must try different methods until it makes sense to them.

Previously I've used images from books and a few videos to provide them with
alternatives beyond what I demonstrate. I even went so far as to have a DVD
made that I loan to my students or repeated viewing. Now with all of the
online resources, I provide them with the URL's and that becomes their

William "Bill" Schran

Marek & Pauline Drzazga-Donaldson on thu 8 nov 07


your link, then clicked on the first bowl, which took me to the player. =
The related topics with a slider, and the Wedging for Throwing video =
link : - my comments =
regarding the height and stance remain, stoccatto movements and RSI =
inducing methodology. That is my two cents worth.

happy potting Marek

Hand made Architectural Ceramics from No9 Studio UK
Fully Residential Pottery Courses and more at Mole Cottage =
"Tips and Time Travel from a Vernacular Potter" reviews on =
an irreverent point of view after 35 years in the game Marek =
Drzazga-Donaldson =20
Assemble a dragon finial at
Free Works and Mole Cottage DVD's and Video content on all the sites
Drzazga Video Promotions at Submit address for DVD

Jim Willett on fri 9 nov 07

On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 21:41:41 -0000, Marek & Pauline Drzazga-Donaldson

>your link, then clicked on the first bowl, which took me to the player.
The related topics with a slider, and the Wedging for Throwing video
link : - my comments regarding
the height and stance remain, stoccatto movements and RSI inducing
methodology. That is my two cents worth.

Since you did not respond the first time I addressed this with you I will
reiterate..."The segment is a quick introduction, nothing more. We shot it
in a (video) production studio, not a pottery studio, and the table was
improvised. Cindy had to stand on a box to approximate the real height and
did not even attempt to teach wedging.It was just a short intro to show
where the balls of clay for the rest of the video came from.".....Putting
a face on a cow to introduce cow head wedging might have tipped someone
off with a sense of humour....When we take the camera into the pottery
studio early next year we will spend more time on wedging and then you can
criticize...and I'm sure you will. In your video you are wedging a
mountain of clay to impress your viewers, certainly not to instruct, a
single angle view of spiral wedging can not begin to teach anyone how to
do it, especially with no dialogue. Our video was addressed to weekend and
beginning potters who won't throw that much clay in a year! It was simply
showing a beginner an easy way to get their clay, which in most cases will
have come out of a bag, softened up,deaired,and in a form where they could
make three small beginning pots. It might interest you, or not, that Cindy
has also been a professional potter for over thirty years and is not
crippled up from improper wedging yet or any other form of RSI! Instead of
carrying on a discourse with Tim... how about addressing us if you have a
problem with our videos?

Jim Willett and Cindy Clarke
Out of the Fire Studio
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

DVDs still $20. Excerpts free on Youtube.

Tim See on fri 9 nov 07

I had not seen that video till this morning, and I didnt see anything wrong with what you were doing.
I think the video was great quality too. I know in my studio with the people i work with picking up a
40lbs chunk of clay and slaming it would cause alot more damage then the few minutes it takes to
wedge up a mistake. Tim See