wike on sat 8 nov 97
I've read all about the bisque firing. How soon can I unload a
glaze firing? I've been unloading at 200 and haven't seen any
problems but I have only used three glazes so far.--
Ray Carlton on mon 10 nov 97
200 degrees celcius is ok any higher you may have quartz inversion cracking
especially on platters.
it should not affect any glaze
At 05:34 08/11/97 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I've read all about the bisque firing. How soon can I unload a
>glaze firing? I've been unloading at 200 and haven't seen any
>problems but I have only used three glazes so far.--
Ray Carlton
McMahons Creek Victoria Australia 3799
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