Lyla on sat 8 nov 97
>leaning towards this kind - if anyone has any advice on what things I
>should be looking for (in a used one) I would greatly appreciate it.
Naida, i must rave to you about treadle wheels, have you heard of them?
they are sometimes called "leach" wheels from the bernard leach design, or
"kick bar" wheels. They work similarly to the treadle sewing maching - one
small kick on the bar and the wheel spins. thus, when you are throwing, you
get a gentle rocking motion and really become ONE with the clay. if you
push hard to center, you kick a bit more, etc. i learned on one in
highschool, but over the years had to accept throwing on electric (shimpo,
brent). i make the analogy to having a preference for driving a standard.
it took me a while to get back into it, but now that i have, i simply don't
want to throw on electric.
if you are interested, doug gates in saluda, NC makes gorgeous ones,
although very pricey. you can get plans in "the self reliant potter," an
out of print book by andrew holden. it was about $300 at cost for us to make.
>Naida Harris-Morgan
>Program Assistant
>Nonprofit Management & Leadership Program
>Tel: (416) 736-5092
>Fax: (416) 650-8071
Durham, NC
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