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show review

updated tue 27 nov 07


Mike Gordon on sat 24 nov 07

Did this Mary Abbe mention the "curator" of the show or the juror's? If
they let in the crap and showcase it s "ART" then in my opinion they
should be slammed and have their names made public as well. Mike
The comment>>>>
Let's declare an end to navel-gazing, sophomoricism, banality and
self-indulgence. Let's move on to something -- anything -- more
visually engaging and intellectually stimulating than the dismal dreck
that's showcased through Feb. 3 in the Minnesota Biennial: 3D II at the
Minnesota Museum of American Art. "
this was the classic show of trash cans, stuff on the floor, old
garbage bags and metaphor about `self`.
it was dismal, just like many ceramic sculpture/pottery shows we have
to drag through.

Ellen Currans on mon 26 nov 07

Hooray for Mary Abbe and her critique of the Minnesota Biennial. =C2=A0The e=
mperor has no clothes!=C2=A0

The following little essay came this morning from one of the women in my art=
's group. =C2=A0She did not attribute it to anyone, and I don't know if it i=
s something that has been going around for a long time. It is new to me, and=
I thought appropriate to the sad state of officially recognized art in this=


One Minimalist to leave the old bulb in place.

One Romanticist to light a candle, providing the right atmosphere for changi=
ng the bulb.

One conceptual artist to write out instructions, so others can create the ac=
tual bulb-changing process for him.

One Surrealist to use a fish mouth to unscrew the bulb.

One feminist artist to smash the bulb because it looks too much like an erec=
t phallus.

One Abstract Expressionist to strew the broken glass around the room.

One performance artist to roll around on the glass, videotaping the look of=20=
pain on his face.

One installation artist to sweep the glass pieces into piles of various size=

One assemblage artist to attach the broken glass to a wooden pole.

One graffiti artist to tag the glass with spray paint once the pole is insta=
lled outside.

Plus one janitor to put a new bulb in the fixture, so he doesn't get fired.

Ellen Currans


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