Lili Krakowski on sun 16 dec 07
That Nashville kiln is exactly what you want for testing glazes. Yes yes,
I have an adorable tiny kiln for test tiles. But what those of us who do not
fire that often need, as do those of us who really really pursue the perfect
glaze year after year-- (I hear you, Dr Frankenstein!) is a kiln small
enough to fire maybe ten test pots--NOT tiles or similar but bowls and
bottles about 6 x 6 so we can see the glaze in a larger format.
It seems to be my fate that everything for sale that I could use is too far
Right now I could use an old electric wheel...Anything but a Shimpo because
my body clashes with their design. I can pick up within a 75 mile radius
from Utica NY
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
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