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roommate needed for february potters council conference in st

updated mon 7 jan 08


Nan Rothwell on sun 6 jan 08

Petersburg, Florida

I just reserved a room for the Potters Council Conference in St Petersburg,
Florida on February 15-17. Now I am seeking a quiet, non-smoking roommate
to share it with me. Please contact me off-list if you're interested.

The conference, in case you have not heard about it yet, is called Centered
In Clay. As you might gather from that title, it will focus on wheel thrown
work. Don Reitz will be the keynote speaker. There will be four
presenters: John Balistreri, Matt Long, Steve Loucks, and McKenzie Smith.
It will also have many features in common with other Potters Council
Conferences, including an exhibit of presenters' work and a Sunday pottery
exchange. If you haven't yet been to a Potters Council Conference, you have
a real treat in store for you. I've been to three -- two as an audience
member and one as a presenter. And they have all been wonderful

If you want more information on the conference, look at


Nan Rothwell
221 Pottery Lane
Faber VA 22938