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fw: lithium

updated fri 11 jan 08


Edouard Bastarache Inc. on tue 8 jan 08

Tu sais rien ne vaut l'exp=E9rimentation personnelle, si on te dit qu'il =
ne faut pas d=E9passer 2% de lithium carb, tu peux faire des tests en =
allant plus loin pour v=E9rifier par toi-m=EAme jusqu'o=F9 tu peux aller =
avec ta propre gla=E7ure et dans tes conditions de mise en oeuvre... =
C'est juste du bon sens... la c=E9ramique est tellement subtile... les =
r=E8gles de ce genre sont souvent des obstacles =E0 la cr=E9ation. En =
c=E9ramique la r=E8gle serait plut=F4t de tout essayer... de faire des =
tests... etc.. tu connais =E7a je crois...
You know nothing beats personal experimentation, if it is said to you =
that one should not exceed 2% lithium carb, you can make tests whith =
higher concentrations to check by yourself until where you can go with =
your own glaze and under your conditions of implementation... It is just =
common sense... ceramics is so subtle... the rules of this kind are =
often obstacles to creation. In ceramics the rule would rather be to =
try everything... to make tests... etc. you know this well, I believe...

Cordialement, Denis

Le site Fran=E7ais d=E9di=E9 aux passionn=E9s de c=E9ramique
El sitio Franc=E9s dedicado a los amantes de la cer=E1mica
The French site dedicated to ceramics lovers

Ron Roy on thu 10 jan 08

Yes - of course - as long as you don't assume you will get the same result
on other clays.

The point is - when you know there can be problems - do you say something
or not?

Why would you suggest that knowing about your materials is not a good idea
when making functional ware?

The 2% is the answer to the question - "what would be a safe amount to use
in a glaze on any clay" - not a rule - an answer.


>You know nothing beats personal experimentation, if it is said to you that
>one should not exceed 2% lithium carb, you can make tests whith higher
>concentrations to check by yourself until where you can go with your own
>glaze and under your conditions of implementation... It is just common
>sense... ceramics is so subtle... the rules of this kind are often
>obstacles to creation. In ceramics the rule would rather be to try
>everything... to make tests... etc. you know this well, I believe...
>Cordialement, Denis

Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0