pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on mon 14 jan 08
how biocidal is it? and, under what conditions?
Hi Ron, all,
I would be concerned, that the degree of anti-microbial or 'Biocidal'
influlence of the Copper, would diminish or be moot, once it had assumed a
patina or Oxide 'skin' from the Water covering it constantly.
At which point, the Water will assume a dangerous condition for the Birds,
if it is not changed daily or twice-a-day, and the vessel disinfected or at
least well scrubbed, and dried for a day in direct Sunlight, inbetween
refillings, or emptied, scrubbed with Bleach-Water , and refilled every half
If one wishes to have a 'Bird Bath' which will be 'safe'
for Birds, one can not allow the Water to remain day after day, just as it
Yes, they will drink it usually, and we have no way of knowing how many will
sicken or die because they drank it, or, depending on species, how many of
their Babys will sicken or die from contaminated Water the parents bring
back to the Nest for the Babys...
So, it is easiest if one eschews 'stagnant' Water kinds of Vessels or
'Baths' completely, unless they ARE actual 'Bath' Bowls, set our for an hour
or something for the Birds to actually 'Bathe'...then dump them out, wash
them briefly and well, and refill for another hour's worth of whatever
Bathing they may wish to do...
That is fine...
But, as for them to drink from or learn to come to, for drinking...if one
has Running Water which self cleans some small Basin shape
or other, self cleaning as it constantly is flowing through as well as
possible...so Bacteria or other Micro-Organisms from
drinking reflux, or poops, or soil carried on feet, are fairly well flushed
away as the
Water flows...or even so the Birds can simply drink FROM the flowing part
and not even have any 'Basin' at all...would be best of all.
'Traditional' so called Bird Baths, while appearing 'quaint' in yards or
gardens, kill and sicken Birds reliably...and of course the sick, dead or
are distal by then, so no one notices to happen to draw an association...or
even if they do notice sick or dieing Birds in or about their property, they
do not make the connection.
The question we do well to ask, is, "Would we drink it, or give it to our
And if the answer is not an informed and unhesitating "Yes!", then, it will
not be benificent for the
Birds either...
So, it seems to me, the Oxide or 'Patina' on the 'Copper' is probably no
longer the same as 'Copper', as for a
conjectured 'biocide' effect to be the same, or, probably, the 'biocide'
effect would not be sufficient or fast enough anyway, or reach far enough in
section, even with bright 'clean' Copper, to prevent a Bird from drinking
in recent inimical contributions, as well as the more liesured ones.
If Birds in one's area really need some manner of having Water to drink, one
can merely set out some Bowls, and, at mid day, bring them back in and
disinfect them, dry overnight, and repeat the next day.
If the Bowls are 'safe' for Acidified liquids, and will not leach anything
harmful, then, one would do well to make up Water which is in fact Three
Tablespoons of raw Apple Cider Vinegar, to the Gallon of Water, and use that
'Water' for their half-day's drinking Bowls, where, the acidification will
reduce quite a bit, the potentials or pro-tem longevity of many bacteria and
other micro-organisms by in effect, being too acidic for them, and, causing
them to perish.
Distilled Water would also do this, but, would be 'bad' for the Birds, as
well as 'bad' for micro-organisms...so, that is not a good recourse
then....where the Vinegar Water, is fine for the Birds, and will benifit the
desireable fauna and flora in their Crops and so on also, while discouraging
or killing off the un-desireable flora and fauna.
Best wishes...!
l v
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Roy"
> Copper as biocide - I see birds drinking from our bird baths - I wonder
> how
> much dissolved copper birds can handle before they are affected?
> I remember someone on this list saying they killed a bunch of fish with
> barium glazed aquarium sculptures.
> RR
>> I dug an old birdbath out of our unpacked
>>storage and had it outside with water all summer. Only problem was
>>that algae like to grow on the shino glaze. I have been thinking, a
>>copper green that won't pass the "acid test" might be the way to go.
>>The copper might keep the algae bloom down.
> Ron Roy
> RR#4
> 15084 Little Lake Road
> Brighton, Ontario
> Canada
> K0K 1H0
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