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glen lukens typo correction

updated mon 21 jan 08


Rick Mahaffey on thu 17 jan 08


Opps a typo.

Glen Lukens was the teacher of F Carlton Ball. They were two different

Carlton (he went by Carlton rather than F Carlton) used talk about the
qualities that he appreciated in Glen Lukens. He was kind, was always
testing things and trying new things. Lukens was good with his students
and freely shared his knowledge. Carlton himself exhibited these qualities.

I got the chance to see one of Glen Lukens works in 1980 when there was a
conference at Oregon State University called Ceramics 80. It was a
conference to honor those teachers who had a profound effect on ceramic
education on the West Coast of the USA. The speakers were Paul Soldner,
F Carlton Ball, Herbert Sanders, Robert Fritz, Betty Feves, Hazel Bray,
Robert Sperry, Ken Stevens, Daniel Rhodes (to give an East Coast
Perspective) and Rudy Autio. It was wonderful to honor them all.

Rick Mahaffey
Tacoma, WA, USA

Ivor and Olive Lewis on sat 19 jan 08

Dear Rick,
Thanks for that clarification.
A good thing to recall early pioneers.
I have three of Carlton Ball's books including the one he produced with =
Janice Lovoos. Great depth as well as breadth.
Best regards,