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stamps and glaze photos

updated fri 25 jan 08


Digital Studio on wed 23 jan 08

Hey everyone,
I just got some test tiles out of the kiln and put them on my Flickr.
I was surprised to see that the first test I made of Waterfall Brown
actually came out! Even more surprising was the fact that our kiln
underfired and most of the actual pots didn't come out. Also, I'd like
if some of you would critique the platter that's in my Flickr album (Cat
This platter is probably the most interesting thing that I've made so
far. I printed a sentence from a poem on cardstock, cut out the letters
of the font and pressed each one into the rim of the platter separately
instead of using stamps... this way I didn't have to buy stamps, and it
doesn't look like I just scratched the letters in. I made a positive of
an impression I took of my cat's paw and pressed it into the bottom of
the platter.

If anyone wants the recipes to the glazes I put on my Flickr (Except for
Waterfall Brown) I'll be putting them up after I get more tests from our
next glaze fire.

Kendra Bogert