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electricity use in texas

updated sat 23 feb 08


David Hendley on fri 22 feb 08

from Bacia Edelman----- Original Message -----
> Yes, David, but if you lived as close to the North Pole as we in
> Wisconsin, Minnesota, and those wonderful
> Canadians beyond us in the North, e.g. Toronto area, I bet you would
> exceed the national average.

Well, actually, Bacia, it's AIR CONDITIONING, not heat,
that is the big gobbler of electricity. My house is, except
for some bathroom vent/heaters, entirely heated with
wood and electric bills are lower in the winter.

Now, my wood supply would be another story, and I
frankly can't imagine cutting, splitting, and stacking
enough wood to get me through a winter in International
Falls, Minnesota. It sounds like a full-time job and I
might have to retire from pottery.

David Hendley
Maydelle, Texas