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nceca 2010

updated thu 8 apr 10


Tom Brook on fri 22 feb 08

I know it is a bit early but I was wondering if anyone knew where 2010 NCECA
will be? I know 2009 is scheduled for Arizona. Thanks for any
information-Tom Brook

Stauffer Linda on sat 23 feb 08

On Feb 22, 2008, at 11:16 PM, Tom Brook wrote:

I know it is a bit early but I was wondering if anyone knew where 2010
will be? I know 2009 is scheduled for Arizona. Thanks for any
information-Tom Brook

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Linda Stauffer

Fisher Cheryl on tue 6 apr 10

Actually I felt guilty this year because I only attended Malcolm Davis =3D
speech and the Vendors area. I did go the the shows in the hotel and =3D
donated cups to the Cup Sale. Other than that the highlights of this =3D
year were the Bus Route on Wednesday. Strangely enough I chose the =3D
Museum Route to go to Eastern State Penitentiary. Yes that is weird but =3D
I'm a fan of Ghost Hunters and Eastern State has been focused twice and =3D
will be focused again. That was interesting and I got some good pictures =
of the patina of the walls. And I chose to go to the Mutter Museum on my =
own. Very interesting.

The other major highlights were the Clayart room and Steve Tobin's =3D
party. This year I felt I got to talk to more people in the Clayart =3D
room, people I haven't had a chance to in the past. I missed a few of =3D
the sessions in the room. I wasn't able to get to Steve's Cone 6 =3D
Reduction. I'm sorry about that. I got into the room at the tail end of =3D
the brush making demonstration. I would have loved to learn that. I =3D
didn't get to Antoinette's Porcelain except for a short time. But in =3D
that short time they were talking about the bottoms of the pot being too =
heavy. And that is my problem, afraid to trim too much that I leave too =3D
much. I saw Elizabeth's painting demo and enjoyed it.

Thank you Logan for getting the shirts for us again. Thank you Jean for =3D
the great show in the Clayart room. Thank you Mel for being you. Thank =3D
you Russell and Andree (sp.) for the memorial for Bacia. Thank you to =3D
all of you I got to talk to.

Steve Tobin was impressive with the amount of work variety of work. I =3D
was so impressed that he gave us each a small piece of his work.=3D20

Anyway on to Tampa in 2011.

Cheryl Fisher
Sarasota, FL=3D