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release for slump/hump molds

updated mon 3 mar 08


Jack Marynowski on sun 2 mar 08

Hi there,

The best method I have found for nice release from molds of all kinds is cheese cloth. For those not familiar with this material it can be found in individual packages in the canning section of the grocery store or by the yard/meter at Walmart or other fabric departments.

I roll out my slab and stretch the finest mesh of cheese cloth I can find ( usually double thickness ) over the slab and then pick it up by the edges of the cloth and ease it into or onto the form, trim excess. Let it set up for about 20 minutes (depending on humidity in the studio) and then take it off the form and add feet, handles, finish rims or whatever. A light touch with a small damp sponge works best for easing the clay around the form and you will pick up the shape and texture of the form/mold and the grain from the cloth is almost not noticeable.

happy slabbing, Colleen