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fwd: tom turner is magnificent!

updated wed 5 mar 08


joyce on mon 3 mar 08

>To: Clayart
>From: joyce
>Subject: Tom Turner is magnificent!
>Thanks, Mel, for alerting us to the excellence of Tom
>Turner's new video. You're right. Absolutely blows you
>Tom's title is A Two Day Workshop. It's on four discs
>and lasts, as I recall, about nine hours. It's several times
>that for me since I keep rewinding to watch something
>fascinating more than once.
>I'd never seen his work before, which is incredible!
>Attention to Detail could just as well have been the
>title; it's clearly a sub-theme
>I'm so glad that I entered pottery at a time when so much
>is available to the studio potter, at home yet!, in the form
>of pubs and videos. This one is top notch!!
>Thank you, Tom..... and Mel.
>In the warm and not too windy Mojave desert of California.
>Son loaded my back patio's small garden with birdseed,
>and the word is out. Gorgeous .... simple birds... mostly
>white-crowned sparrows, various colors of finches, a passing
>nosy flicker, yucky doves, and recently added juncos.... not
>with russet like the Washington state juncos but still with
>velvety furry-looking black round heads. Son vows that
>starlings are not attracted to spots where they have to scratch
>to get the seed. We'll see. The starlings are among my
>favorites (they change clothes twice a year and yap all the
>time) but they travel in large flocks, which upsets the balance
>that ravens, roadrunners and Mojo have worked to achieve in
>this small scrubby spot.