mel jacobson on sun 30 mar 08
without question for me, is meeting the many people
that write and make clayart what it is.
when we meet face to face, and get to know people
as humans, it makes doing this job much easier.
it was such a joy to see jean lehman scooting around...and
so often she was out of that scooter and walking around.
she looked wonderful, and full of love and spirit. a wonderful
i loved watching the beaming faces of clayart friends as
we honored ron and john. it was a very nice program.
well earned. it is those tiny moments that make clayart
worth after day. the whiners are forgotten.
so, we look forward to phoenix. it is just a few months away.
clayarters, be careful....we have to join in early. as gail pointed
out in an email today....prices skyrocket fast if you are not in a
group. hotels can hit $600 a night.
i will continue to work with nceca folks to get a good
set of digs for us. i will work alone to see if we can fit
into the new tower hotel under construction. inside the
convention center. it may or may not be ready by next
march. too close to call. but, it makes for fun planning.
each year brings a different set of logistics and problems.
so much depends on the group of local nceca people...and
how thorough they are. some are outright blithering idiots.
(for example, as kurt points out...arrows on streets/maps to indicate
one ways. god, how can that be forgotten.?) many drove 20 blocks
in pitts to get three blocks to a gallery. our own tom buck got into
the face of one organizer. `how can you make a program so bad?`
(he was upset, like kurt with the lack of detail.)
things to be aware of in phoenix. traffic is awful. slow, backed up
for miles. if you are planning on a motel, miles will
be a bear to get into phoenix proper. things are rather compact
in the convention area...and of course the weather should be a
delight. lots of hotels, but some are really, really expensive.
it is a resort town.
and, be careful of the 90 year old woman, white hair just above
the steering wheel hub. doing 12 miles an hour in her 1990 gold cadillac.
she will run over you in a heart beat. (no kidding, one almost ran
me down a few months ago in downtown phoenix. she is still out
there i bet.)
so, remember, we are nceca. we are members too. so, make
your likes and dislikes known. send notes to the main office.
and, remember, positive comments and help is always appreciated.
and, critics can be kind and helpful as well as bitchy.
and, watch those airline ticket prices. if you get a bargain..snap it up.
i am going to use ff flier miles for sure. those heavy traffic vacation
destinations can be hard to pay for. (lots of bargains to phoenix if
you plan way ahead.)
so, from my standpoint, clayart room, logistics and doing my job..
pittsburgh went pretty well. i am glad to help.
and, as usual, clayarters are a really great group of people.
from minnetonka:
clayart site:
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