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thank you for white glaze

updated fri 11 apr 08


mel jacobson on thu 10 apr 08


one of the key factors in this experiment (iron saga 2) is that
it must be a rich ash glaze.

the writing that we have describes that the chinese potters
must have used a combination of ash/white clay/slip of some
sort to create the white over glaze. i tried to keep the ash
content about half. and cornwall is one of those almost
glaze/ mined just as it is. great stuff. i added a bit of
ball clay, dolomite and zircopax just to get white.

as i said, i had to make it up in my head....sort of
integrity of the project. how would they have come
up with the idea 500 years ago..

but, i am always pleased when clayarters jump in with great
ideas for me to consider. team effort.
(and i am going to use a soda spar next time...with ash.
maybe a bit of epk.
we will see.

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