Chic Lotz + keith Montgomery on mon 14 apr 08
If glazes are a still somewhat of a mystery to you, then you might be =20=
interested in my glaze workshops in Nevada City, CA. Hope to meet =20
you there. Chic Lotz Contact: =20
Glaze Basics: Seeing the Results Learn what makes a glaze at any =20
firing temperature. Chic Lotz has organized all the glaze =20
ingredients into a color-coded chart so you can see how varying the =20
ratios of 3 major glaze components affects stability, color, firing =20
temperature, glaze fit and glaze surface. Her chart shows the =93big =20
picture=94 of glaze ingredient relationships. By examining already =20
fired glaze samples and comparing their recipes and formulas, you =20
will see how to get a variety of different glaze results. The =20
samples range from low to high fire and show a variety of glaze =20
surfaces, colors and textures.
Sat. & Sun. May 17-18, 2008 9:00-4:30 Mud Hut Ceramic Center, =20
Nevada City, CA $145 Beg / Inter Level To =20
register, contact
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