tony clennell on tue 22 apr 08
thanx ladies for the kind words about my workshop for the London
Potters Guild. Guilds in this province are healthy and setting
standards for treatment of potters as professionals. I was put up in a
nice hotel, given a fair wage, meals and mileage allowance. The LPG
are buying their own building for gallery, classes, studio etc.
Congrats! My guild the Hamilton Potters Guild have bought the old
Carnegie Library for the same purposes. Good leadership have lead
these organizations into understanding that bricks and mortar are a
sound investment to sustaining the energy of the group. They will have
a home to build a reputation.
I haven't touched clay in 2 weeks with Ian Currie being here and then
my own workshop and finishing my deck. i better get at er!
P.S A quote from Ian- Your friends are on the fringe of the grid.
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