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bloating with some glazes but not others?

updated thu 19 jun 08


Paul Borian on wed 18 jun 08

I understand that bloating is more of a clay body and firing issue =
rather than a glaze issue - but for me it tends to show up sometimes =
with some glazes but almost never with others. And I am still trying to =
figure out if "bloating" is the correct term for what this is: basically =
it looks just like a bubble burst open and froze there, leaving the bare =
clay body exposed in the middle with a sharp-edged bubble on the glaze =
surface. Sometimes they smooth out completely and leave just a tiny =
pinhole behind that most people will never notice, but other times they =
are up to =BC" diameter and ruin the pot. And it tends to happen more =
with thick-walled pots. So is this bloating? If there was a way to post =
images on clayart I could do so but I don't know if that is part of the =
new software or not.


If this is in fact bloating, then I think I just need to adjust the =
firing schedule to eliminate this problem once and for all. It tends to =
come and go but for the last few firings it showed up on several pieces. =

Has anyone here ever dealt with, and solved this problem?

