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cc loop tools. what is the future interest in these tools?

updated wed 25 jun 08


Antoinette Badenhorst on tue 24 jun 08

Several of you asked me about the loop tools that I previously sold. At the time the guy making them stopped doing that but he might be interested in making them again. I first need to know if there would be enough interest. I do not want to do the money layout and end up not selling them.

Several of you agreed that the tools wear out over time, but never get dull. It is the only tools I use and even though it do rust some( keep them out of wet clay and water when not in use) they work perfectly on my porcelain, which requires sharp tools all the time.I've been working with these tools for the past 20 years. If one work with grog clay it will pull the grog open( because of it's sharpness), so one have to adjust ones habits and run it over with a rib after trimming. That is in any way a good habit to compact the clay surface again.

Anyway, please give me feedback. Thanks.

Antoinette Badenhorst