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porcelain has a pedigree

updated sun 20 jul 08


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sat 19 jul 08

Dear Friends,
Accepting that the language we use is a living, evolving beast, I find
it amusing that we can be purists and insist on a narrow definition
for one thing but accept the continuing alteration of another.
No one seems to complain when a glaze that is know by its number in a
list and the name of the author in the book in which it is found, is
altered in a multitude of ways to the extent that if it were a Dog we
would say it was a Mongrel.
Porcelain has a Pedigree.
So does Rhodes No 32.
Add another ingredient, change the proportions or the firing schedule
and both become a mongrels. They may be attractive, well behaved, have
few vices and be good company, but they are still Mongrels

My take on the issues....everyone is entitled to chose their own

Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.