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layered glazes

updated sun 27 jul 08


mel jacobson on sat 26 jul 08

in keeping with a few of my notes encouraging folks
to layer glazes, i have been doing a series of `chawan` style
teabowls using layers. my current tests have been
a jet black/oil spot glaze that i sort of made up/in my way.
saturated iron glaze with 8 percent cobalt, copper and chrome.
it fires metallic black with nice spots. (percentages can vary,
but you need to get plenty of metal oxide into the glaze.)

i have covered that glaze with a thin coat of pete's cranberry.
a few brush strokes here and there to add thickness/variety.
under medium reduction/fired to cone 11.

it is a very rich glaze...and seems to comply with some
aesthetic with teabowls...sort of a raku idea transposed to
stoneware. i did both faceted tall winter bowls and open
summer bowls. (part of a project with joe koons.)

i rarely glaze any pots without layers, in fact, up to four.
i love free waxing, layers, more wax and a final top coat.

if any of the glazes have rutile, it tends to run in very nice
hare's fur patterns.

so. check my clayart website/click below.

i have been making pots like mad. fill the 45 cubic foot
kiln about every 5-6 days.
will fire again tuesday. about 800 pots done since april.

from minnetonka:
clayart site: