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stephen hill july journey workshop!!!

updated fri 1 aug 08


Eva Gallagher on tue 29 jul 08

Hello everyone,

For anyone interested in improving their work, their style, their focus, or
any and all of the above, I highly recommend Steven Hill's Journey
workshops. I just finished the July workshop at Center Street Clay - Stephen's
new teaching studios and gallery near Chicago. The week will be followed up
with monthly consultations with Stephen, culminating in a group show at
Center Street Clay next July. It will be like having my own personal trainer
for a whole year!
The facilities were great, the fellow students inspirational, and as the
fees included room and board - the food was out of this world; a 5 star
restaurant couldn't do better - the cost for the week was a real bargain.
Never having met Stephen, I really did not know what to expect, but quickly
found out that he is an exceptional teacher. He does not just critique your
pots but ends up teaching you new ways to look at your work, so that you can
do your own critiques. I never knew there was so much to say about a pot and
it opened up my eyes so that I now see my pots in a totally different light.
If anyone wants more info just email me privately as another Journey
workshop is planned for October.

Eva Gallagher
Deep River, Ontario

Eva Gallagher on thu 31 jul 08

Hi - I forgot to paste in Stephen's website - as several people were
wondering if it was the same Stephen Hill from Red Star Studios. - Yes it is
and check out his new site (and his pots!).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eva Gallagher"
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:02 PM
Subject: Stephen Hill July Journey Workshop!!!

> Hello everyone,
> For anyone interested in improving their work, their style, their focus,
> or
> any and all of the above, I highly recommend Steven Hill's Journey
> workshops. I just finished the July workshop at Center Street Clay -
> Stephen's
> new teaching studios and gallery near Chicago. The week will be followed
> up
> with monthly consultations with Stephen, culminating in a group show at
> Center Street Clay next July. It will be like having my own personal
> trainer
> for a whole year!
> The facilities were great, the fellow students inspirational, and as the
> fees included room and board - the food was out of this world; a 5 star
> restaurant couldn't do better - the cost for the week was a real bargain.
> Never having met Stephen, I really did not know what to expect, but
> quickly
> found out that he is an exceptional teacher. He does not just critique
> your
> pots but ends up teaching you new ways to look at your work, so that you
> can
> do your own critiques. I never knew there was so much to say about a pot
> and
> it opened up my eyes so that I now see my pots in a totally different
> light.
> If anyone wants more info just email me privately as another Journey
> workshop is planned for October.
> Eva Gallagher
> Deep River, Ontario