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pottery books!...books books books

updated sat 9 aug 08


Overall's on wed 6 aug 08

Kelly responded to one of Lee's posts:

"I have to add that I laughed out loud when
I read your other post asserting confidently
that "most of us" don't own Vince's book.
Can you give me the exact percentages on that
bit of information? Do you maybe have access
to some kind of clayart membership market
research results, that the rest of us haven't
seen? How could you pretend to know what
books "most" clayarters have on their bookshelves?"

I purchased Vince's book after his workshop here
in Houston October 2006. It is an excellent
book everyone 'should' have if they don't.

I tend to buy reference books as my skills need
help and budget warrants. I used to visit
Half Price Books religiously to build up my
pottery library, but don't go as often anymore.

Those books I wanted when I needed them,
or vice versa, I bought new.

Admittedly, I have not read all of them cover to
cover, and even if I did, I forget some details but
feel reassured I can refer to them anytime and I do.
I like that.

My pottery library shelf is a twelve foot long
1"x12" in my barn studio overhead my wheels and
it's full. That doesn't include pottery dvd's
which I don't have many as I much prefer books
because they are faster to look up info after
I've glanced through them and they don't require
electricity (except for lights at night).

Yay for All those Clay Books!
SKOOB-y do!

Kim in Houston

Overall's on fri 8 aug 08

Hi Lee,

I should have stated in my post 'for beginners
to 'intermediate' inquiring potters'.

It took me a long time to understand what potters
were talking about, (especially glazes), on clayart.

Reading these books help tremendously.
Granted, it's nothing like live hands on work
to see how things are done (next dvds),
akin to sculpting or painting from a live model versus
from a photograph; but it'll do. There is just
something alluring when reading words of
interest printed on paper and clayart.

So I scooped up the used pottery books when
I needed to learn about something specific, or
if it were a book that wouldn't be available at that
low price for a quite a long time, or if ever again.

I would love to buy the equivalent or more of
potters' pots than books because they do
significantly teach the holder/viewer more in person.
Something to strive for in one's own work maybe?
Its sense of balance with just the right weight on the
bottom, glaze application or designs, how much
emphasis does s/he put in the details or not, and
so on.

The few professional potters pots I have in my
humble collection I love. Now that my book shelf
is amply supplied, I'll be able to buy some more money permits though because I'm still

Of contemporary potters in the Houston area,
V.Chin's work leaves me speechless - and that
doesn't happen very often.

Kim in Houston

Lee Love on fri 8 aug 08

On 8/7/08, Overall's wrote:

> Yay for All those Clay Books!
> SKOOB-y do!


Before I became a potter, my greatest possessions by weight,
excluding the car, were books. Made sense, being a writer.

Now, things like the woodkiln outweigh them. But also,, an
excellent library system and the internet have helped me become more
rational about my book possessions. I am by nature a book Nut.

I don't know about other clay centers, but Northern Clay
Center has a fantastic ceramic library. Many well established
potters and collectors donate new books to it all the time.

Most of my pottery book purchases are usually of books about
non-contemporary pottery. I can't afford most Korean Yi treasure
pots. Because I have to be thrifty, if I am given the choice of
buying a contemporary pot or a book about pots, I will always choose
the pot.

Lee Love in Minneapolis

"Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." --Rumi