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fastfire woodkiln

updated wed 27 aug 08


David Todd on tue 26 aug 08

Thank you so much to those who have responded!!!

I have been reading lot's lately. So many people have mentioned different
avenues of approach.
I'll start by revueing pots and seeing the effects of different kilns on
different glazes. I live in Sundre, Alberta, about 90 minutes NW of Calgary.
If anyone is in this area with a wood fired kiln and would like a visitor
let me know.
I found a great info source and mentioned some of the concerns
I had.
I've decided to collect bricks, get more variety and random effects from my
electric kiln ( I'll attend some glaze workshops), work and save up some $'s
and get some insulated bricks rather than work feeding a kiln lot's of extra
wood for each firing to get up to temperature. Design a kiln that has an
attachable roofing system that will travel with me when I move to an unknown
new residence.
As I said I do a lot of barrel firing, I enjoy random effects. I don't know
how much longer I'll be able to fire as it smokes for a long time and it
hangs over the neighbourhood some days. I see the need to be as
environmentally friendly as possible. This new kiln will let me leave the
barrel firing behind rather than being forced out of it by the town.
Again , thanks for the springboard into this new approach to pottery for me.
David Todd

Eva Gallagher on tue 26 aug 08

Hi David,
I think you must be close to Red Deer where John Chalke teaches pottery at a
college - can't remember the name of the college there but he gives
workshops in woodfiring or maybe it wood/soda - (not sure if his kilns are
located in Red Deer or somewhere else near there) but you should be able to
hook up with people from there.
Eva Gallagher
Deep River, Ontario

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Todd"
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Fastfire woodkiln

> Thank you so much to those who have responded!!!
> I have been reading lot's lately. So many people have mentioned different
> avenues of approach.
> I'll start by revueing pots and seeing the effects of different kilns on
> different glazes. I live in Sundre, Alberta, about 90 minutes NW of
> Calgary.
> If anyone is in this area with a wood fired kiln and would like a visitor
> let me know.
> I found a great info source and mentioned some of the
> concerns
> I had.
> I've decided to collect bricks, get more variety and random effects from
> my
> electric kiln ( I'll attend some glaze workshops), work and save up some
> $'s
> and get some insulated bricks rather than work feeding a kiln lot's of
> extra
> wood for each firing to get up to temperature. Design a kiln that has an
> attachable roofing system that will travel with me when I move to an
> unknown
> new residence.
> As I said I do a lot of barrel firing, I enjoy random effects. I don't
> know
> how much longer I'll be able to fire as it smokes for a long time and it
> hangs over the neighbourhood some days. I see the need to be as
> environmentally friendly as possible. This new kiln will let me leave the
> barrel firing behind rather than being forced out of it by the town.
> Again , thanks for the springboard into this new approach to pottery for
> me.
> David Todd