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horsetail prolific ash

updated sun 31 aug 08


DRB Seattle on sat 30 aug 08

2 things=20

When you harvest makes a big difference in the ammonut of flux
I was tempted to write "prolific my ash" but that would be crude and inaccu=
rate. Prolific, yes but the structure of the plant is made of hollow tubes =
so when you burn it you get very little ash.=A0 When I tried it I quit in f=
rustration.=A0 You would need systematic harvesting- maybe a scythe or bagg=
ing mower and then collect barrels of it to get a usable ammount.
Bon Chance

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Suchman ceramics wrote:

From: Suchman ceramics
Subject: Horsetail ash
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 8:46 PM

Hi all,I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Equisetum
(horsetail) ash? It is VERY high in silica. It is also a very prolific
plant in the right place. I'm thinking n terms of shino but if you have
other suggestions I'd surely like to hear.
pagan by nature