DRB Seattle on sun 7 sep 08
Not having anything better to do I did a dogpile search and eventually got =
Pablo Picasso: The Communist Years (Hardcover)
by Gertje R. Utley (Author)=20
From a reader review-
"She disposes of the well-travelled lie that Picasso admitted that his work=
was all a blague, a trick played on the public. In fact, as she shows, the=
alleged conversation was drawn from Il Libro Nero, a collection of fictiti=
ous interviews written by Giovanni Papini.(1961)"
Which is kind of a bummer to spoil the quote but to add a new twist to the =
story at http://www.goodart.org/picconf.htm=A0I found the notes-
In his book LIBRO NERO=B9, =B2, the Italian author Giovanni Papini gives th=
is report of an interview he had with the top god of modern art, Pablo Pica=
sso. Here is what Picasso reportedly thinks of himself:
Please note that a viewer of this web site was kind enough to obtain confir=
mation from Antonio D'Amicis of www.giovannipapini.it that Il Libro Nero is=
a work of fiction. The interview never really happened. However, I still l=
ike it and think Master P is probably "out there somewhere" laughing his as=
s off at all of this. Just my opinion, nothing more.=20
=B2 A further interesting note: the viewer mentioned above, upon researchin=
g the "confession", also came across the following:
"Was Pablo Picasso the target of a NATO intelligence sting? According to le=
tter to The Spectator (London) by one Richard Dorment, the spies faked this=
Picasso quote:=20
I am only a joker who had understood his epoch and has extracted all he pos=
sibly could from the stupidity, greed and vanity of his contemporaries.
According to Dorment, NATO allegedly encouraged Italian journalist Giovanni=
Papini, in 1951 to publish a fake interview with Picasso to dramatically u=
ndercut his pro-Communist image. In 1962, the artist asked his biographer P=
ierre Daix, to expose the fake interview, which he did in Les Lettres Franc=
aises. " --source: Artnet.com.
Of the references I found it looks like there are more "Believers" than "sk=
Maybe in the end the "truth" of the "quotation" will overcome the "facts" o=
f the matter.
I would very much like to authenticate and locate the source of Lee's
Picasso quotation, but have thus far been unable to do so.=A0 I found two w=
references to it,=A0... It seems odd that a "charlatan" or "mountebank" wou=
ld publish a Mea Culpa over 20 years before his death and while still activ=
ely engaged in his supposed hoax.
Thanks in advance for any insight or direction you might provide.=A0 All th=
James F on mon 8 sep 08
As I suspected. Thank you all for your help in this matter. El Dorado rem=
ains a mystery.
Il Libro Nero is a work of fiction. The interview never really happened.
> Seattle
> I would very much like to authenticate and locate the source of Lee's
> Picasso quotation=2C but have thus far been unable to do so. I found two=
> references to it=2C ... It seems odd that a 'charlatan' or 'mountebank' w=
ould publish a Mea Culpa over 20 years before his death and while still act=
ively engaged in his supposed hoax.
> =20
> Thanks in advance for any insight or direction you might provide. All th=
> best.
> ...James
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Ric Swenson on mon 8 sep 08
...and the plot thickens!..... In school I read a lot about...... and by P=
icasso....I do not remember any reference to this "Quote". I believe this =
particular quote is bogus. The internet is a place to find 'many things'..=
..some not so scholarly=2C me thinks. Picasso had a childlike attitude at t=
imes and was very playful in his interpretation of form and shape and color=
. He PUSHED the envelope...he stretched our view and wonderment about pain=
ting and drawing. He was still=2C in my mind=2C one of the most creative =
artists of the 20th century. His political views aside=2C he was until his=
death very anti-fascist.....and fought in his art against totalitarian Fas=
cism and Franco. the "Guernica". Need I say more? My 2 RMB Regards=2C=
Ric > > Not having anything better to do I did a dogpile search and e=
ventually got to-> http://www.amazon.com/Pablo-Picasso-Communist-Gertje-Utl=
ey/dp/0300082517> Pablo Picasso: The Communist Years (Hardcover)> by Gertje=
R. Utley (Author) > From a reader review-> "She disposes of the well-trave=
lled lie that Picasso admitted that his work was all a blague=2C a trick pl=
ayed on the public. In fact=2C as she shows=2C the alleged conversation was=
drawn from Il Libro Nero=2C a collection of fictitious interviews written =
by Giovanni Papini.(1961)"> > Which is kind of a bummer to spoil the quote=
but to add a new twist to the story at http://www.goodart.org/picconf.htm =
I found the notes-> > In his book LIBRO NERO=B9=2C =B2=2C the Italian auth=
or Giovanni Papini gives this report of an interview he had with the top go=
d of modern art=2C Pablo Picasso. Here is what Picasso reportedly thinks of=
himself:> Please note that a viewer of this web site was kind enough to ob=
tain confirmation from Antonio D'Amicis of www.giovannipapini.it that Il Li=
bro Nero is a work of fiction. The interview never really happened. However=
=2C I still like it and think Master P is probably "out there somewhere" la=
ughing his ass off at all of this. Just my opinion=2C nothing more. > =B2 A=
further interesting note: the viewer mentioned above=2C upon researching t=
he "confession"=2C also came across the following:> "Was Pablo Picasso the =
target of a NATO intelligence sting? According to letter to The Spectator (=
London) by one Richard Dorment=2C the spies faked this Picasso quote: > I a=
m only a joker who had understood his epoch and has extracted all he possib=
ly could from the stupidity=2C greed and vanity of his contemporaries.> Acc=
ording to Dorment=2C NATO allegedly encouraged Italian journalist Giovanni =
Papini=2C in 1951 to publish a fake interview with Picasso to dramatically =
undercut his pro-Communist image. In 1962=2C the artist asked his biographe=
r Pierre Daix=2C to expose the fake interview=2C which he did in Les Lettre=
s Francaises. " --source: Artnet.com.> > Of the references I found it look=
s like there are more "Believers" than "skeptics".> Maybe in the end the "t=
ruth" of the "quotation" will overcome the "facts" of the matter.> DRB> Sea=
ttle> > I would very much like to authenticate and locate the source of Lee=
's> Picasso quotation=2C but have thus far been unable to do so. I found t=
wo web> references to it=2C ... It seems odd that a "charlatan" or "mounteb=
ank" would publish a Mea Culpa over 20 years before his death and while sti=
ll actively engaged in his supposed hoax.> > Thanks in advance for any ins=
ight or direction you might provide. All the> best.> > ...James> > > > >=20
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger=A0
marta matray on mon 8 sep 08
ric wrote:
>>> He was still, in my mind, one of the most creative artists of the
20th century. His political views aside, he was until his death very
anti-fascist.....and fought in his art against totalitarian Fascism and Franco. the "Guernica". Need I say more? >>>>>>>>
thank you ric!
inspired by this clayart topic, last night i enjoyed to look at the
pictures of picasso's wonderful sculptures again, from the book:
"picasso - painter and sculptor in clay".
his sculptures are HIS sculptures. several of them dont even have ANY painting on them. no paint, no glaze... just bare CLAY.
and only because picasso painted on some platters and vases which were not made by him, but rather, made by functional potters....... that doesnt makes him less. --- sorry phil!
have you ever heard of the famous japanese potter who had a lot of nameless workers (potters) who made the basic forms for him???
are you belittle that potter as well?
ok, you dont like picasso, thats fine. but that quote was a fake, a well-travelled lie, now we all know it.
and... nobody said that picasso was a potter.
he was a painter AND a sculptor in clay.
marta matray
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