joyce on mon 8 sep 08
In agreement with comments concerning Picasso painting on clay
objects formed by others, I'd like to add what readily comes to mind.....
I have a throw "by" Frank Lloyd Wright created during his textile
period. I don't for a second think that FLW actually did the weaving
of my throw. I am certain that he created the design for the original
work. In every way of which I'm aware, FLW's throw is of superior
quality.... be it equivalent to a print or a poster .... or whatever other
means exists to replicate an artistic/functional piece that somebody
such as I might be able to afford.
I really enjoy his throw, whether I sit on it or under it according to
what desert weather dictates. For a time, I hung it on the wall,
but it didn't feel right. It was meant to serve as a throw..... as in
throw over oneself or on the back of a couch or over my favorite
chair. It delights me and, although I have never said to any
visitor to my home that this is a Frank Lloyd Wright piece...... to
me, it is.
In the Mojave Desert of California U.S.A. where Mojo and I just
returned from the park in town. We both seem to derive equal
enjoyment from watching the families who make regular use of
the park in the evening ...... bringing a McDonald's picnic with them
(too hot to
prepare much, I'm sure) and a passel of kids. Am I looking through
specially tinted glasses or are fathers doing much more of a hands
on job than in the past?? I see example after example of dads
enjoying their children ... using park equipment or "training" their
hyper little guys at throwing or kicking straight. They're not
over-doing it either. I'm sure that one of the goals is to tire the
little ones, which does happen....... but all seems to be done with
love and respect for one another. I recall my dad, whom I adored,
helping me with my homework....... oh, dear God deliver me from
such thoughts! Same with #1 Support Person who too was a loved
and appreciated father, but not as a teacher for his sons... the
whole house was miserable until it was over. The difference between
my dad's generation and #1's is that #1 SP eventually hired a
tutor whom the boys liked. Peace reigned.
James F on tue 9 sep 08
Joyce wrote:
> Am I looking through
> specially tinted glasses or are fathers doing much more of a hands
> on job than in the past?? I see example after example of dads
> enjoying their children ... using park equipment=20
I'll let you in on a secret: Men have children solely so that we may once =
again climb on monkey bars=2C go down water slides=2C and hang out in toy s=
tores without looking like a weirdo. "Really=2C dear=2C the go-kart is for=
the kids. I'm just testing it."
Please don't let anyone know that I told you! Be well.
See how Windows Mobile brings your life together=97at home=2C work=2C or on=
the go.
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