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c6 firing pictures up, lots of mc6g glazes layered

updated sat 20 sep 08


Karin Givon on thu 18 sep 08

Great job, Fuzzy! And beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:55 PM, The Fuzzy Chef wrote:


I just unloaded another electric firing. I thought I'd link it here
because it includes lots of MC6G glazes in combinations not pictured in
the book. Should give the other electric-fire folks out there some

Test tile count for this kiln: 152

--Josh Berkus

The Fuzzy Chef on thu 18 sep 08


I just unloaded another electric firing. I thought I'd link it here
because it includes lots of MC6G glazes in combinations not pictured in
the book. Should give the other electric-fire folks out there some ideas.,-another-firing-09-2008.html

Test tile count for this kiln: 152

--Josh Berkus