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melting metals in microwave

updated wed 1 oct 08


joyce on tue 30 sep 08

Googling Melting Metals and then Melting Metals in
Microwave brought up many, many websites that offer
much information. The first google included descriptions of several
home foundries which I found interesting ..... using a coffee can, for
instance. The second google offered more than you probably want
to know about melting metals in a microwave.

I know it boggled my mind, or should I say googled my mind?
And to think it wasn't long ago that I couldn't figure out how to
work the googler ......... until Wayne, yes our Wayne, my dear
and treasured friend Wayne, made fun
of me with a "Good God, Woman, it's simple enough..... you
say you've been using computers since '84??!! Sheeze!!"

So grow a thicker skin, people.......

In the Mojave desert of California where it rained last night and
the westie insisted that we open all blinds to look out each
window and door....... 3 a.m. it was. Can't blame her; I recall
how tickled I was when she first discovered that yes, it WAS
raining outside each door, dancing in&out trying to bite the rain.........