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colored clay workshops

updated fri 7 nov 08


candace murguia on wed 5 nov 08

Third try, I apologize if this message has been repeated. Tried to submit it online but was not having any luck.

I am trying to locate Mike Haley and Susie Seigel because I would like to attend one of their workshops, however I am running up a blank on contact info for them. Does anybody know how to get in touch with them? I have not found a website for them yet.

I am also interested in attending any other colored clay workshops anyone might know about. I would kill (almost) to go to one of Vince Pitelkas, but I can't get a week away from my toddlers. Anybody know of any good ones going on? I am particularly interested in nerikomi style work.

Thank You,

Candace Murguia

It is better to light a small candle than to curse the dark. ~Anonymous

Chris Campbell on thu 6 nov 08

Hi Candace -

I will jump in and highly recommend
my colored clay workshops.

I am leaving tomorrow to do a weekend
one in Winston Salem and will be teaching
a week long class at the John Campbell
Folk School May 10 - 16th 2009.

I am in talks for another in Virgina next
summer and one in October next year.

Check out my website under "Workshops" for
up to the minute listings.

I teach all aspects of coloring clay and
using it as clay or as slips.

I believe colored clay is a very under used
tool for potters decorating options and am
changing that one class at a time!

Chris Campbell - in North Carolina

and yes, the pottery pictures are coming next week
as soon as I get back from teaching!

Chris Campbell Pottery, LLC