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epk calcined

updated fri 15 may 09


Dave Finkelnburg on thu 14 may 09

Mary,=3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 The water of hydration in kaolinite is ~13% I bel=
EPK has a listed LOI of ~14.7%.=3DA0 That means it loses that much of its =
ight when its calcined, the extra being organics that burn off.=3DA0 So, wh=
her you use the calcined or not will change the amount of EPK only by ~15%.=
=3DA0 For small amounts of clay the effect of calcining on shrinkage that=
ill Schran mentioned is more critical than the variation in analysis.=3D0A=
=3DA0=3DA0 Good potting!=3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 Dave =
Finkelnburg=3D0A=3D0AOn 5/=3D
13/09 10:57 AM, "Mary Starosta" wrote:=3D0A> I have =
olin-EPK=3DA0 and the reciepe calls for a small percent of Kaolin=3D0A> cal=
d.=3DA0 Is there a big difference here?=3DA0 Would I be ok using just the=
=3D0A> K=3D
aolin EPK?=3DA0 It a Butter yellow Glossy glaze I am trying to repeat?=3D0A=