Ingeborg Foco on mon 27 jul 09
In Sunday's paper I read about many galleries closing due to difficult
economic times. Specifically they were mentioning Santa Fe, NM and
Portland, Oregon to mention a couple.
For those of you in the Portland/Vancouver area can you tell me what
galleries if any have permanently closed? Whenever I get a chance to go
back there I always hit all of the places and am saddened to hear of the
troubles some are having.
gary navarre on thu 30 jul 09
One thing about wine drinkers Steve is they like it in a glass so they can =
see the color. Only potters drink wine from clay, probably a custom started=
by fans of Joe Funk from the Pot Shop in Venice. Years later more than a f=
ew of them still stand around late night campfires and back woods burning b=
arrels warming their cockles sipping cheep Muscatel from a Marshmallow Tenm=
oku bowl.=3D0A=3D0AGary Navarre=3D0ANavarre Pottery=3D0ANavarre Enterprises=
y, Michigan, USA=3D0A
/GindaUP/=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A--- On Wed, 7/29/09, steve graber OM> wr=3D
ote:=3D0A=3D0A> From: steve graber =3D0A> Subject: Re: =
rt] Galleries closing=3D0A> To: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0A> Date: Wednes=
July 29, 2009, 12:46 PM=3D0A=3DA0 =3D0A> =3D0A> oh well...=3DA0 time to st=
art making=3D
wine related items?=3DA0 =3D0A> =3D0A> but i usually drink just beer!=3DA0=
i don't=3D
know wine!=3DA0 =3D0A> =3DA0Steve Graber, Graber's Pottery, Inc=3D0A> Clar=
emont, C=3D
alifornia USA=3D0A> The Steve Tool - for awesum texture on pots! =3D0A> www=
.gra=3D> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =
=3D0A> _____=3D
___________________________=3D0A> From: Steve Irvine =3D0A=
> To=3D
: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0A> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:55:05 PM=3D=
0A> =3D
Subject: Re: Galleries closing=3D0A> =3D0A> Ingeborg,=3D0A> =3D0A> My wife =
and I we=3D
re walking through the Granville Island=3D0A> galleries in=3D0A> Vancouver =
week. The Gallery of BC Ceramics, and the=3D0A> Craft Council=3D0A> of Bri=
Columbia Gallery both seem to be going strong.=3D0A> All of the=3D0A> craf=
t sh=3D
ops and galleries in that district seem to be fine,=3D0A> with the=3D0A> ex=
ion of a high end jewellery gallery that has abruptly=3D0A> closed=3D0A> le=
g its suppliers wondering how to recover the work=3D0A> they had on=3D0A> c=
gnment. It seems to be the exception.=3D0A> =3D0A> This afternoon we worked=
shift in the Owen Sound=3D0A> Artists' Co-op in=3D0A> southern Ontario, an=
d we=3D
had brisk sales, lots of pottery=3D0A> in=3D0A> particular. We are keeping=
imistic.=3D0A> =3D0A> Steve=3D0A>> =3D0A> =
=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D
steve graber on thu 30 jul 09
a wi=3D
actually i was thinking more toward the ice buckets and such.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D=
0Aa wi=3D
ne-o friend of mine suggested i make some wine buckets with a screen to kee=
p the ice=3DA0away from the bottle, but let the ice water thru.=3DA0 so i m=
ade =3D
a few to goof around.=3DA0 i used the chip-n-dip scheme of a big bowl with =
a =3D
tall cylinder inside, with collander holes between the cylinder and big bow=
l.=3DA0 you fill the bowl with ice and the cylinder holds the bottle.=3DA0 =
ice =3D
water flows thru.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0Ai use them for planters instead but see no=
n why they wouldn't work for a cool looking ice bucket.=3DA0 they also work=
icely for bar-b-q chicken using the "beer can chicken" approach.=3DA0 (long=
story).=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0Awithin a typical wine tasting room however there is=
opportunity for classy objects sitting right in front of a typically highe=
r end money crowd ~ sipping wine.=3DA0 so there still is an opportunity to =
e wine tasting rooms for selling decent works.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0Ai suck at mak=
ing gl=3D
azes, but colors that complement the red's of wine would be great.=3DA0 alo=
with traditional vase shapes, ice tea picthers,=3DA0spinning off into chee=
serving plates, other implements of serving food snacks.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0Aa =
of mine i lost touch with years back would ONLY do wine tasting shows for =
selling his pottery.=3DA0 he found people loosened up after a few (really?)=
nd would start to fall in love with his work and buy pieces.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0=
A~ hop=3D
efully no coyote arm in the morning.....=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3DA0Steve Graber, G=
raber's =3D
Pottery, Inc=3D0AClaremont, California USA=3D0AThe Steve Tool - for awesum =
ure on pots! =3D0A=3D0=
=3D0A=3D0A________________________________=3D0AFrom: gary navarre nterpr=3D>=3D0ATo: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG; steve graber HO=3D
O.COM>=3D0ASent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:01:18 AM=3D0ASubject: Re: [Claya=
rt] =3D
Galleries closing=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AOne thing about wine drinkers Steve is they=
like =3D
it in a glass so they can see the color. Only potters drink wine from clay,=
probably a custom started by fans of Joe Funk from the Pot Shop in Venice.=
Years later more than a few of them still stand around late night campfire=
s and back woods burning barrels warming their cockles sipping cheep Muscat=
el from a Marshmallow Tenmoku bowl.=3D0A=3D0AGary Navarre=3D0ANavarre Potte=
avarre Enterprises=3D0ANorway, Michigan, USA=3D0A
=3D0A On Wed, 7/29/09, st=
eve grab=3D
er wrote:=3D0A=3D0A> From: steve graber O.CO=3D
M>=3D0A> Subject: Re: [Clayart] Galleries closing=3D0A> To: Clayart@LSV.CER=
S.ORG=3D0A> Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 12:46 PM=3D0A=3DA0 =3D0A> =3D0A=
> oh well.=3D
..=3DA0 time to start making wine related items?=3DA0 =3D0A> =3D0A> but i u=
sually d=3D
rink just beer!=3DA0 i don't know wine!=3DA0 =3D0A> =3DA0Steve Graber, Grab=
er's Pot=3D
tery, Inc=3D0A> Claremont, California USA=3D0A> The Steve Tool - for awesum=
ture on pots! =3D0A>> =
=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> ________________________________=3D0A> From: S=
teve Irvin=3D
e =3D0A> To: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0A> Sent: Tuesday,=
y 28, 2009 6:55:05 PM=3D0A> Subject: Re: Galleries closing=3D0A> =3D0A> Ing=
=3D0A> =3D0A> My wife and I were walking through the Granville Island=3D0A>=
ries in=3D0A> Vancouver last week. The Gallery of BC Ceramics, and the=3D0A=
> Cr=3D
aft Council=3D0A> of British Columbia Gallery both seem to be going strong.=
=3D0A> All of the=3D0A> craft shops and galleries in that district seem to =
be f=3D
ine,=3D0A> with the=3D0A> exception of a high end jewellery gallery that ha=
s ab=3D
ruptly=3D0A> closed=3D0A> leaving its suppliers wondering how to recover th=
e wo=3D
rk=3D0A> they had on=3D0A> consignment. It seems to be the exception.=3D0A>=
=3D0A> =3D
This afternoon we worked our shift in the Owen Sound=3D0A> Artists' Co-op i=
=3D0A> southern Ontario, and we had brisk sales, lots of pottery=3D0A> in=
=3D0A> p=3D
articular. We are keeping optimistic.=3D0A> =3D0A> Steve=3D0A> http://www.s=
teveir=3D> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A=3D0A=3D0A
Dave Finkelnburg on thu 30 jul 09
Gary,=3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 I love most of what you do and write.=3DA0 In the=
case of w=3D
ine glasses, I have to STRONGLY disagree.=3DA0=3DA0This same wrong argument=
been made about beer=3DA0glasses on this list.=3DA0 Some people like watch=
ing =3D
the bubbles in their beer.=3DA0OK. To say beer drinkers, en masse, won't us=
e =3D
anything else is to ignore the millions of beer steins, mugs, pitchers, etc=
. that have been made and very happily used=3DA0over time.=3DA0 Yes, in our=
ture in the relatively recent past color and clarity have been touted as im=
portant features of wines.=3DA0 This is only because technology made it pos=
ble to use additives and filters to make wine very clear, and to make very =
transparent glass pretty cheaply.The Romans, and before them the Greeks, an=
d before them...used opaque ceramic and also=3DA0metal drinking vessels for=
illenia.=3DA0 The wine glasses of today are popular mainly=3DA0because of i=
se marketing campaigns by wine and glass makers trying to differentiate the=
mselves from
their competitors.=3DA0 =3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 Ceramic (pottery) wine glasse=
s take sel=3D
ling, just like everything else we make....and they do sell because they lo=
ok cool, feel neat, are durable, are usually=3DA0different=3DA0enough that =
it d=3D
oesn't take a fru-fru dangle on the stem to tell one from another, and most=
ly because the pottery glasses=3DA0maintain the wine at a much more even te=
erature than delicate glass.=3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 By the way, I do hope you =
know abo=3D
ut the, "...late night campfires and back woods burning barrels...sipping c=
heep Muscatel from a Marshmallow Tenmoku bowl," from personal observation.=
=3DA0 What a beautiful verbal image!=3D0A=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA=
0=3DA0 Good potting!=3D
Dave Finkelnburg=3D0A=3D0AGary Na=3D
varre wrote:=3D0AOne thing about wine drinkers Steve is they like it in a g=
ss so they can see the color. Only potters drink wine from clay, probably a=
custom started by fans of Joe Funk from the Pot Shop in Venice. Years late=
r more than a few of them still stand around late night campfires and back =
woods burning barrels warming their cockles sipping cheep Muscatel from a M=
arshmallow Tenmoku bowl.=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A
Shaw Pottery on thu 30 jul 09
On the bright side, Gary, at least the potters had warm cockles. That
would probably contribute to longevity and larger family size, don't
'cha think?
Yea, shur!
At 3:01 AM -0700 7/30/09, gary navarre wrote:
>One thing about wine drinkers Steve is they like it in a glass so
>they can see the color. Only potters drink wine from clay, probably
>a custom started by fans of Joe Funk from the Pot Shop in Venice.
>Years later more than a few of them still stand around late night
>campfires and back woods burning barrels warming their cockles
>sipping cheep Muscatel from a Marshmallow Tenmoku bowl. Gary Navarre
>Navarre Pottery Navarre Enterprises Norway, Michigan, USA
> ---
>On Wed, 7/29/09, steve graber wrote: > From:
>steve graber > Subject: Re: [Clayart] Galleries
>closing > To: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG > Date: Wednesday, July 29,
>2009, 12:46 PM > > oh well... time to start making wine related
>items? > > but i usually drink just beer! i don't know wine! >
> Steve Graber, Graber's Pottery, Inc > Claremont, California USA >
>The Steve Tool - for awesum texture on pots! >
> > > > > > >
>________________________________ > From: Steve Irvine
> > To: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG > Sent: Tuesday,
>July 28, 2009 6:55:05 PM > Subject: Re: Galleries closing > >
>Ingeborg, > > My wife and I were walking through the Granville
>Island > galleries in > Vancouver last week. The Gallery of BC
>Ceramics, and the > Craft Council > of British Columbia Gallery both
>seem to be going strong. > All of the > craft shops and galleries in
>that district seem to be fine, > with the > exception of a high end
>jewellery gallery that has abruptly > closed > leaving its suppliers
>wondering how to recover the work > they had on > consignment. It
>seems to be the exception. > > This afternoon we worked our shift in
>the Owen Sound > Artists' Co-op in > southern Ontario, and we had
>brisk sales, lots of pottery > in > particular. We are keeping
>optimistic. > > Steve > > > > >
Jeff Gieringer on thu 30 jul 09
I agree with Gary. I drink California cabs and I like to drink them
from a Riedel wine glass. But I do make crystalline wine goblets because
people buy them. Serious wine drinkers won't buy them but many others will=
Jeff Gieringer
Berea, Kentucky
----- Original Message -----
From: "gary navarre"
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: Galleries closing
One thing about wine drinkers Steve is they like it in a glass so they can
see the color. Only potters drink wine from clay, probably a custom started
by fans of Joe Funk from the Pot Shop in Venice. Years later more than a fe=
of them still stand around late night campfires and back woods burning
barrels warming their cockles sipping cheep Muscatel from a Marshmallow
Tenmoku bowl.
Gary Navarre
Navarre Pottery
Navarre Enterprises
Norway, Michigan, USA
--- On Wed, 7/29/09, steve graber wrote:
> From: steve graber
> Subject: Re: [Clayart] Galleries closing
> Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 12:46 PM
> oh well... time to start making wine related items?
> but i usually drink just beer! i don't know wine!
> Steve Graber, Graber's Pottery, Inc
> Claremont, California USA
> The Steve Tool - for awesum texture on pots!
> ________________________________
> From: Steve Irvine
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:55:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Galleries closing
> Ingeborg,
> My wife and I were walking through the Granville Island
> galleries in
> Vancouver last week. The Gallery of BC Ceramics, and the
> Craft Council
> of British Columbia Gallery both seem to be going strong.
> All of the
> craft shops and galleries in that district seem to be fine,
> with the
> exception of a high end jewellery gallery that has abruptly
> closed
> leaving its suppliers wondering how to recover the work
> they had on
> consignment. It seems to be the exception.
> This afternoon we worked our shift in the Owen Sound
> Artists' Co-op in
> southern Ontario, and we had brisk sales, lots of pottery
> in
> particular. We are keeping optimistic.
> Steve
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