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handbuilding question

updated tue 30 jun 09


Veena Raghavan on mon 29 jun 09

Because I don't want to use beans or sand, I use the fine gravel they sell
for fish tanks in pet stores.


James Freeman on mon 29 jun 09

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 6:34 PM, marci and rex wrote:
> HI=3DA0 james,
> =3DA0 I d=3DA0 love to=3DA0 see pictures, yes...
> =3DA0I=3DA0 think I am=3DA0 envisioning=3DA0 what youre=3DA0 saying... bu=
t=3DA0 pix=3D
=3DA0 would
> definitely=3DA0 help ...


I posted to my Flickr page
( some photos of both
the foam forms and the piece that was made using them. The piece is
still in bisque making it a little hard to see details, so I included
a couple of different views. Just one more option to consider.

Take care.


James Freeman

"All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I
should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed."
-Michel de Montaigne