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handy chemicals/raw materials

updated wed 19 aug 09


Brandon Schwartz on tue 18 aug 09

Hey Ron (and others that emailed me directly),
Thanks for sharing your tips! I ended up getting some Laguna clays, a
couple pounds of kiln wash, a pound of copper carbonate, some soda ash and =
little rutile and albany slip. (Here's a
They were out of sodium silicate and didn't have the kiln shelf or posts
that I wanted. I didn't buy the rutile or albany slip for a specific
purpose... more just to experiment with someday. I'll probably try some of
the suggestions I recieved when I order some more posts and maybe glazes.
Thanks again for the suggestions.

Brandon "Fuzzy" Schwartz
Art by Fuzzy
Pottery Making Info

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Ron Roy wrote:

> Hi Brandon,
> I'm way late with this but - alumina hydrate is good for making kiln wash=
> alumina oxide is good as well.
> What did you get?
> RR
> --
> Ron Roy
> 15084 Little Lake Road
> Brighton, Ontario, Canada
> K0K 1H0