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hand creams...what works for me

updated tue 9 dec 97


Jonathan Kaplan on mon 8 dec 97

So here's what works for me and for most of my staff.

There are hand creams to be used as barrier creams which deter direct
contact of water from your skin. There are many brands out there, but the
best I have found and have used since my undergrad years at RISD in the
early 1970's is Kerodex. There are two types, one for wet work and the
other for dry work. These work, they are very useable, and are non-greasy
if applied corretcly via the directions.

Then there are creams that moisturize the skin. I've used most of them as I
would surmise most of you have also. My current fave is a cream from Israel
called " anuda" and I have used the stuff in the pink as well as in the
blue tubes. Another favorite is Vaseline Intensive Care and some of the
Neutrogena products. I like to avoid hand creams that have any alcohol in
them. Bag Balm works incredibly well as a preventive cream but you have to
get by the odor first.


Jonathan Kaplan
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