Randolph Roberts on mon 29 jun 09
I missed Mel's show due to my distance and age, another show is coming =3D
up by Tom Turner
in Asheville, North Carolina and again I can't make it. He seems excited =
to be showing and says
the recent firing have been his best.=3D20
The show opens at Blue Spiral 1 in Asheville, NC on July 2nd. Please =3D
direct ALL inquiries to them at www.bluespiral1.com, =3D
info@bluespiral1.com, or 800-291-2513. The last firing was the best =3D
firing I have ever had, and that says a lot. I hope you all have time to =
take a look at the last three firings, and then the show itself. This =3D
has been a lot of work for me and my webmaster, and he has done a =3D
wonderful job. Late tonight, or early tomorrow, click on the website =3D
address below and then click on Galleries, then on March 09, May 09, =3D
June 09, and then Blue Spiral Exhibition.
Thanks to all of you for your support, this is going to be an incredible =
show in a wonderful gallery.
Hope he has a great time, just before the 4th of July weekend.
Randy Roberts
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