Maggie Furtak on sun 20 sep 09
Steve wrote, "Many good or great artists are overlooked. Many hacks are
well regarded in their own time and then not in years later. Life isn't fa=
I always trust the opinions of small children on what is art much more than=
I trust adults. Adults seem to quick to declare anyone who is a maker of =
things an artist these days. Children haven't been cultured like the rest =
of us yet. The pot that they keep getting yelled at for trying to touch is=
a good pot.
Parent: " must be so creative...Ben, come here, this lady is an A=
R-tist, she makes ART, look at this. It must be so inSPIRing. Do you ever=
get to such and such museum? I saw their exhibit and everything was so wh=
imsical and creative..."
Kid: "I like this one."
Me: "What do you like about it?"
"I like the color. I like this drip."
"Me too. Thanks."
"How do you make it drip like that? ..."
Kids like what they like. Sometimes what they like is tacky and cheap, and=
they like it because it is brightly colored and sparkly. That's ok. That=
's a valid reason to like something. Other times they seem remarkably soph=
isticated in their taste. They like what they like, and they stand by thei=
r own judgement.
Bring on the 4 year olds to separate the sheep from the goats!
Pate Ceramics
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