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fwd: leach and wildenhain

updated mon 21 sep 09


Lee Love on sun 20 sep 09

=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 For folks wanting to understand the interacti=
on between
Leach and =3DA0Wildenhain, =3DA0I recommend Dean Scwartz's large volume
Marguerite Wildenhain and the Bauhaus: An Eyewitness Anthology (South
Bear Press). =3DA0 =3DA0 My potter friend Brent Johnson (who visited me in
Mashiko) =3DA0wrote an excellent essay in the book on this very subject,
"A Matter of Tradtion. =3DA0He studied with Dean Scwartz and Peter Leach.
Lee Love, Minneapolis
"The tea ceremony bowl is the ceramic equivalent of a sonnet: a
small-scale, seemingly constricted form that challenges the artist to
go beyond mere technical virtuosity and find an approach that both
satisfies and transcends the conventions." -- Rob Sliberman
full essay:

Lee Love, Minneapolis
"The tea ceremony bowl is the ceramic equivalent of a sonnet: a
small-scale, seemingly constricted form that challenges the artist to
go beyond mere technical virtuosity and find an approach that both
satisfies and transcends the conventions." -- Rob Sliberman
full essay: