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lead once again....

updated fri 9 oct 09


lili krakowski on thu 8 oct 09

Another of our recurrent topics.

Yes, stuff with lead glazes, lead this, lead that are imported all the =3D
time into this country. There frequently are "alerts" that some TOY =3D
meant for itty bitty children who stuff things in their mouths hold =3D
lead.... Antique pewter, as well the cement used to hold knife handles =3D
on in antique tableware and such had/has lead.


It is NOT true that no one uses lead anymore. Lead frits still are used =
in lots of places. Frits protect the one who handles the raw glaze--but =3D
can, and do, become destabilized in the fire.

I expect that in the US lead no longer is found much--but there are OLD =3D
glaze and stain mixes that included lead. Search old shelves!=3D20

The question is not paranoid, but makes sense. Whether one worries =3D
about it as a customer, or maker. =3D20

As to lead in the clay...MW no doubt is right...but it would not =3D
surprise me if someone used an old lead-containing stain in a slip...

Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage