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topless spraybooth

updated sat 17 oct 09


Dinah Snipes Steveni on fri 16 oct 09

Hi All=3D20

How are people dealing with the sprayed glaze bits drizzle factor which the=
very powerful exhaust fan pulls out. Hose it all down I supp-hose....:) :)=
I had=3DC2=3DA0powerful fan ceiling mounted over a topless water fall spra=
y bo=3D
oth which a chum made for us in UK. Fan and casing got horrendously mucky w=
ith dried glaze. It was so strong that we had to=3DC2=3DA0wrangle=3DC2=3DA0=
any stra=3D
y plakkie bags=3DC2=3DA0covering ware,=3DC2=3DA0and bits of paper=3DC2=3DA0=
so they woul=3D
dn't get sucked up. I really like the instructions which Tom Turner proferr=
ed to all. That's going to be a winter project ASAP. Lovely work too, Tom. =
Really stunning. And the spray booth seems=3DC2=3DA0a better=3DC2=3DA0"mous=
etrap". =3D
Thanks for sharing.=3DC2=3DA0=3D20

I=3DC2=3DA0will install this waterfall spray booth, but don't want to scare=
horses -- read neighbors -- with glaze exhaust pluming out. Now, I'll need=
to rearrange the studio to disguise the exhaust area. There's always somet=
hing fun to think about in this business. Once again thanks to all who've o=
ffered help re UK/USA subbing raw materials. It's tricksy and I'm testing.=


PS I despised the slop glaze fired results=3DC2=3DA0taken from=3DC2=3DA0the=
bottom =3D
of the catch tub. Really quite grim. I guess we just didn't have enough tim=
e to tinker with testing and adding oxides. Used it at various times. It ju=
st seemed so bloody=3DC2=3DA0random. Could have put The Apprentice on it; a=
s 20/20 hindsight. I know. I know. I'm going to hear from you Random Is So =
Good souls. Go on then. Convince me....=3D20