Bill Merrill on fri 16 oct 09
I got one of those little concrete wheels at NCECA in '97 for a friend. =
I threw on it and made mostly tea bowls , small loose jars etc. It =3D
doesn't maintain much momemtum, but the wheel was cheap and fun to throw =
on. I have used Randall wheels all my career and that little wheel was =
fun, but not a Randall wheel.
Lee Love on fri 16 oct 09
It would work similar to a Korean wheel, if you tread/pulled with a
bare foot rather than kick it.
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Bill Merrill wrote:
> DJ
> I got one of those little concrete wheels at NCECA in '97 for a friend. =
=3DA0I threw on it and made mostly tea bowls , small loose jars etc. =3DA0I=
t do=3D
esn't maintain much momemtum, but the wheel was cheap and fun to throw on. =
=3DA0I have used Randall wheels all my career =3DA0and that little wheel wa=
s fu=3D
n, but not a Randall wheel.
> Bill
Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis
"Ta tIr na n-=3DF3g ar chul an tI=3D97tIr dlainn trina ch=3DE9ile"=3D97tha=
t is, "T=3D
land of eternal youth is behind the house, a beautiful land fluent
within itself." -- John O'Donohue
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