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updated sat 31 oct 09


Bill Merrill on thu 29 oct 09


The article you referred to also said.. "Not all vermiculite mines are
contaminated with asbestos". The article you also sent said....
"The company already operates a vermiculite mine in Enoree, and has
permission to dig in more than 30 other South Carolina locations.
According to the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, it's
not likely that vermiculite mines in the state are contaminated with
asbestos because the geology is different from that in Libby."

So, it seems all vermiculite is not the same, and the Libby Montana
geology is quite different than any vermiculite formulas I found. In
today's world, I would think most vermiculite (mica) producers don't
produce a product with asbestos in it. I am talking about USA produced
products. We really don't know what we get from imported products. You
would be quite dense if anyone used any product that produced dust of
any kind. Why would any sensible person create a dust storm to work in?
That's what good small micron face masks are for. If potters really
want to mix their own products without worry, you can buy a fresh air
supply mask that has a small motor and 20 or more feet between the
compressor and the breathing mask, for under $1,000. What's our health
worth? The unit is produced for car painters and it really works well.

Vermiculite from Libby, Montana has not been produced since 1990. At
least 70% of the United States vermiculite was mined there. Here is a
link about the Libby, Montana , vermiculite.

If you use anything that one thinks right or wrong, is potentially
dangerous under certain conditions, be careful, use as directed or don't
use it at all. \
Let's all make virtual pot's on the careful that might be
dangerous also.. .

Bill Merrill

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of John Britt
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: mica/muskovite/vermiculite


The Libby mine in Montana was found liable:

Just Google: Libby mine vermiculite, etc

It was a long case and pretty well publicized,

John Britt

John Britt on fri 30 oct 09

He Bill,

I really don't have an arguement with you. As you say, " I would think mo=
vermiculite (mica) producers don't produce a product with asbestos in it.=

The problem is that a reasonable person would think that and a reasonable=
company would do that but there are people/companies who lie and cheat.=3D2=

And then there are unknowns.

So you have to be careful. Of course you don't want to make dust to breat=
in but as you know, when making clay stuff, it dries and then there is du=
You can't always wear a mask, expecially 24/7 and many can't affort a=3D20
thousand dollar fresh air mask. Then there is the kids clay that is 50% =
and 50% ball clay.=3D20=3D20

So I don't think we have an arguement but I certainly try to keep abreast=
the latest toxicity reports and don't poo poo them.=3D20

The only thing worse than the "sky is falling" people are the "sky isn't =
and never will and you are stupid to think it will" the Mar=

Anyway thanks for the discussion,

John Britt