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re microwave and pots

updated tue 3 nov 09


Dinah Snipes Steveni on mon 2 nov 09

Hi Clayarters=3D20

I'm always torn here. I really liked the example just cited of someone gone=
away on hol who left pot soaking for a week then returns and pops pot into=
microwave.... it's so difficult to predict the ways=3DC2=3DA0people will "=
se" one's ware. I have wirtten up a little note when work is somewhere wher=
e I can't field the queries=3DC2=3DA0stating the usual yadda yadda about fr=
to hot oven, and that I wouldn't put my Lucie Rie cup in the microwave to =
reheat coffee so why would you put my stuff in there? I know using Lucie Ri=
e example for most people may be a steep learning curve, but I enjoy using =
it. Maybe I should say Ron Nagle....;) Kill your microwave. Daubes.Yes. =3D=
=3DA0Back to sensible cooking.=3D20

