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new kiln problems!

updated sun 14 dec 97


Greg Skipper on fri 12 dec 97

Well I was excited to get the new Skutt KM 1027 all wired up. It's been
a week and I still can't get the x%$! thing working! I think the
problem is with the computer controller that they bragged so much about
being so great! It keeps reading fail after I turn it on. Today I
drove all the way in to the factory, where they checked it all out and
said it was fine! When I got home, confused, I hooked it up and it says
fail again. I'm frustrated. Does anyone have experience with this type

Susan Wagener on sat 13 dec 97


I bought and installed a Skutt KM 1018 and am delighted with it. I have not
had any problems with any of my firings (knock on wood!). According to the
documentation that came with mine "Fail" means the system cannot sense the
thermocouple and a possible cause is the thermocouple is broken or
disconnected. The fix is to secure or replace the thermocouple. Are you
loading pots or shelves close to the thermocouple? I always keep the space
around mine completely open (the shelves are at least two inches above and
below it and I keep pots at least four inches from the tip of it). Maybe
the ride over to the factory reseated the thermocouple and the ride home
unseated it again. Anyway...that's where I'd start. I'm sure there are
others on the list that could give you more advice on this...but I just
wanted you to know that the Skutt KM's work great as far as I'm concerned.

Susan Wagener
Puffin Pottery
Bloomington, IN

At 02:53 PM 12/12/97 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Well I was excited to get the new Skutt KM 1027 all wired up. It's been
>a week and I still can't get the x%$! thing working! I think the
>problem is with the computer controller that they bragged so much about
>being so great! It keeps reading fail after I turn it on. Today I
>drove all the way in to the factory, where they checked it all out and
>said it was fine! When I got home, confused, I hooked it up and it says
>fail again. I'm frustrated. Does anyone have experience with this type

Talbott on sat 13 dec 97

If the technicians at the factory did in fact plug in your kiln to the
electrical outlet and the kiln worked properly there then it must be
improper wiring in your studio. Perhaps your kiln's outlet is not
providing the proper voltage, amperage output and the kiln's computer is
detecting this discrepancy. It is just a process of elimination. If the
kiln is fine then your electrical outlet and wiring are most likely causing
the problem. I have hooked up several electrical kilns and if you are not
versed in electrical wiring then I would suggest that you have a master
electrician to check out your wiring. ...Marshall
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Well I was excited to get the new Skutt KM 1027 all wired up. It's been
>a week and I still can't get the x%$! thing working! I think the
>problem is with the computer controller that they bragged so much about
>being so great! It keeps reading fail after I turn it on. Today I
>drove all the way in to the factory, where they checked it all out and
>said it was fine! When I got home, confused, I hooked it up and it says
>fail again. I'm frustrated. Does anyone have experience with this type


Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)
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