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nils's book as perceived by mel

updated sun 8 nov 09


Nils Lou on fri 6 nov 09

Mel, you miss the point. The Play Book is not an academic, serious
book on creativity. It is, however, an attempt to take play seriously. =3D
folks say, =3D93all you do is play=3D94, I agree=3D97enthusiastically. Beca=
use =3D
is an authentic experience, not imitative. And, I=3D92d argue that we can =
children again and need to be, to connect to that intangible essence of =3D
creative =3D93wow, how did I do that=3D94?=3D20
And, I=3D92d be happy to take you to dinner, s=3D92long as Sharlene will =
join us.

nils lou, professor of art
"Play is the essence of creativity", and
"What is not brought forward into consciousness....
we later call Fate", Carl Jung

Anthony Ferguson on sat 7 nov 09


Play is the essence of lack of inhibition. Somehow sometime adults screw
kids up--school, church, institutions, formalism, etc. I worked with mild
to severe mental retarded artists. They were the best group I ever had
residence with. Completely without inhibition, not afraid to try anything,
not trying to be artists, they are artists--and they had more fun then I've
seen anyone have with the material--no ego nada, pure joy.

Tony Ferguson

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Nils Lou wrote:

> Mel, you miss the point. The Play Book is not an academic, serious
> book on creativity. It is, however, an attempt to take play seriously. Wh=
> folks say, =3D93all you do is play=3D94, I agree=3D97enthusiastically. Be=
cause =3D
> is an authentic experience, not imitative. And, I=3D92d argue that we can=
> children again and need to be, to connect to that intangible essence of t=
> creative =3D93wow, how did I do that=3D94?
> And, I=3D92d be happy to take you to dinner, s=3D92long as Sharlene will =
> nils lou, professor of art
> 503.883.2274
> "Play is the essence of creativity", and
> "What is not brought forward into consciousness....
> we later call Fate", Carl Jung


Tony Ferguson, MA
Workshops & Online Education

James Freeman on sat 7 nov 09

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Tony. The writer and literary
critic Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve once wrote, "With everyone born human,
a poet - an artist - is born, who dies young and who is survived by an
adult." We spend years teaching children that everything free, spontaneous=
and natural about being human is somehow dirty, unproductive, or unbecoming=
then we spend fortunes later in life trying to remedy the fact that we are
on balance an inhibited, ashamed, and unhappy lot.

Take care.


James Freeman

"All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should
not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed."
-Michel de Montaigne

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Anthony Ferguson wrote=

> Nils,
> Play is the essence of lack of inhibition. Somehow sometime adults screw
> kids up--school, church, institutions, formalism, etc.