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research on ceramic oxides

updated sat 21 nov 09


Ron Roy on fri 20 nov 09

> *
> From:
> Helen is a 3rd year ceramics student at the University of Wolverhampton, =
> - please communicate directly with her if you are interested in
> participating.
> Oxide Use and Health Questionnaire Information Sheet.
> You are being invited to take part in a research
> project. Here is some information to
> help you decide whether or not to take part.
> Thank you for considering taking part in my study.
> 1. Why am I doing this study?
> The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of working in ceramics=
> specifically, the use of metal oxides in ceramic work, on a potters healt=
> and well-being.
> 2. Why I would like your help?
> I am interested in the attitudes we, as potters, have towards the
> potentially harmful materials we use regularly as part of our making and
> whether or not we take our creative work more seriously than our health.
> 3. Confidentiality.
> If you take part in this study you can indicate your wish to remain
> anonymous. All the information collected therefore will be kept strictly
> confidential. There will be no way of identifying you from the
> questionnaires and all quotes used from your questionnaire will be coded =
> that anonymity is assured.
> Oxide Use and Health Questionnaire.
> Please indicate if you would like your responses to remain confidential:
> NO
> 1. As part of your ceramic work have you regularly worked, or do you
> regularly work, with metallic oxides? If yes, how have you used/do you us=
> the oxides?
> 2. Do you worry that the materials (including oxides) you use as par=
> of your work may have adverse effects on your health?
> 3. If you answered yes to question 1, do you take any specific
> precautions when working with oxides? Please specify.
> 4. Do you suffer from any pre-existing/underlying health problems
> that you were aware of before beginning your work in ceramics? Please giv=
> details.
> 5. Since beginning to work in ceramics have you suffered from any
> illness that you regard as being directly caused, or exacerbated, by the
> materials (especially oxides) you are using? E.g. skin conditions,
> respiratory conditions. Please give details.
> *