Lee Love on wed 25 nov 09
At the last class (Anatomy of Japanese Pottery) I wanted to use
an electric wheel to demo the jumping tool for chatter marking. ( I
demoed throwing on my Korean wheel.) Put bowl on a Brent and
almost spun it of because of the insensitive foot pedal. Made me
remember why I dislike Brents so much and why I like the old Shimpo
cone drive wheels: They are very sensitive at low speed. Feeling
more like a kickwheel. The also freewheel when the wheel is turbed
off and the pedal is pressed down, which is good for decorating.
Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis
"Ta tIr na n-=3DF3g ar chul an tI=3D97tIr dlainn trina ch=3DE9ile"=3D97tha=
t is, "T=3D
land of eternal youth is behind the house, a beautiful land fluent
within itself." -- John O'Donohue
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