Rimas VisGirda on wed 25 nov 09
Maybe it's about semantics?
I learned (1960's) the cone method is called wedging, the wire cut and slap=
as wire-wedging...
I watched a folk potter in Hungary wire-wedge without a wire, tear-slap-tea=
r-slap-tear etc. It was very theatrical as he slammed the clay together sta=
rting with outstretched arms to get the momentum necessary to flatten the c=
lay for the next tear... Would this then be called air-wedging? As there is=
no cone or wire involved... I, personally, don't fell it would be called a=
ir-kneading as there is no surface involved -although it seems as if I've h=
eard that people knead their hands (when they are worried)... Food for thou=
ght... -Rimas
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